Excellence Grants
Since 2008, the Cedar Falls Schools Foundation has awarded Excellence Grants (thanks to donors!) that expand opportunities for students. Click here to view our grant guidelines. Check out our most recently funded grants below!
Cedar Falls Staff: Plan for our next grant cycle -- Fall 2025:
A complete listing of application questions may be downloaded here. If you have an unforeseen circumstance, and would like to request funding prior to the Fall 2025, please contact Monica Boyer, Executive Director at (319) 268-7007 or monica.boyer@cfschools.org.
2024 Excellence Grants:
34 grants totaling nearly $48,000
- LEGO My WeDo and EV3; Get Up to Speed with SPIKE, All Elementaries | $5,000
Grant made possible in part by Jack Henry - True Mathematical Problem Solving, All Elementaries & High School | $1,916
- All Students are Rockstars!, Aldrich, Cedar Heights and Southdale Elementaries | $3,000
- Authentic Learning 3D Printers, Aldrich Elementary | $1,200
- Best Practice in Phonics Instruction, Cedar Heights Elementary | $583
- Pathways to Reading Proficiency, Cedar Heights Elementary | $1,000
- Fine Motor Fitness, Cedar Heights Elementary | $1,000
- Durable Vertical Thinking Classroom Boards, Hansen Elementary | $1,620
- Bringing Knowledge to Life, Hansen Elementary | $1,000
- Decodable Texts, Hansen Elementary | $2,000
- Integrating Science and Social Studies into CKLA Knowledge, Lincoln Elementary | $1,000
- Preschool Literacy Center, Lincoln Elementary | $524
- Camera Traps and Biodiversity, North Cedar Elementary | $770
Grant made possible by Skogman Homes - Sensory and SEL Classroom, North Cedar Elementary | $1,076
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, North Cedar Elementary | $1,316
Grant made possible by the Class of 1974 - Unplugged Adventures in STEM, North Cedar Elementary | $997
Grant made possible by Amazon - All About Balance Materials, North Cedar Elementary | $393
- Soft Start for First Graders, Southdale Elementary | $500
Grant made possible by Amazon - Science Enrichment: Geology – Rocks and Minerals, Southdale Elementary | $1,434
Grant made in memory of Pat Lyman, former Lincoln Elementary volunteer - Film Production and Media Literacy, Holmes Junior High | $2,000
Grant made possible in part by AECOM - Driving Innovation with 3D Printing, Peet & Holmes Junior Highs | $1,600
- Guitar Club Enrichment, Peet Junior High | $375
Grant made possible by CF Rock & Roll Revue - BLT Culture Team School, Holmes Junior High | $1,000
Grant made possible by Tony’s Plumbing & Heating - 7th Grade Class Microscopes, Peet Junior High | $3,175
Grant made in memory of John Hartman, former Peet Junior High Science Teacher - Building Thinking Classrooms, Peet Junior High | $750
- Real Care Babies, Peet Junior High | $2,000
Grant made in memory of Jim & Karen Bolger, Karen was a former P.E. Teacher at Peet Junior High - 3D Printer for Science Club, High School | $890
- Volunteer Club, High School | $500
- Physics Go-Direct Lab Equipment, High School | $2,000
Grant made possible by the Class of 1974 - Bike Safety and Education, High School | $1,500
Grant made possible in part by the Class of 1970 - Empowering STEM Students, High School | $3,000
Grant made possible by Amazon - Scholastic Action Magazine, High School | $100
- Your Rainforest Mind Talented and Gifted Book Club, High School | $516
- 2025 Summer CF Spanish Trip to Spain, High School | $2,000
Grant made possible by the Class of 1968
2023 Excellence Grants:
21 grants totaling over $38,000
- Universal FIRST LEGO League Discover Implementation in the Preschool Classrooms, All Elementaries | $5,000
- Flexible Seating in Kindergarten, Aldrich Elementary | $2,000
- 1st Grade Student Organization and High School Engineers, Cedar Heights Elementary | $1,000
Grant made possible by Skogman Homes - Elevate and Engage with Vertical Thinking Spaces, Cedar Heights Elementary | $1,000
- Growing by Leaps and Bounds Socially and Emotionally, Cedar Heights Elementary | $1,500
- "Good" Morning STEM Bins, Hansen Elementary | $2,000
Grant made in memory of Shirley Connelly, former 3rd grade teacher at Hansen elementary - Flexible Seating Options, Lincoln Elementary | $650
- CKLA Culminating Activities Funding, Lincoln Elementary | $2,000
- Lincoln Preschool Science Center, Lincoln Elementary| $650
Grant made in memory of Pat Lyman, former Lincoln Elementary volunteer - Read with Me: Growing Hearts and Minds, North Cedar Elementary | $373.30
- Bringing Learning to Life, North Cedar Elementary | $1,000
- Cubetto Coding in Preschool, Orchard Hill Elementary | $1,755.40
- Sensory Kits, Southdale Elementary | $1,000
- Sensory Corners, Southdale Elementary | $2,000
- Finch Robots for Coding, Holmes Jr. High | $1,946.75
- Holmes Optic Band Project, Holmes Jr. High | $3,997.25
- Optic Watch Band Class Set, Peet Jr. High | $4,941.80 Grant made in memory of Jim & Karen Bolger, Karen was a former P.E. Teacher at Peet Junior High
- Science Bowl/Quiz Bowl Buzzer System, High School | $529.95
- Tiger Pal Totes, High School | $686
- NASA Student Launch Initiative - CFHS Rocket Club, High School | $2,000
Grant made possible in part by the Class of 1970 - New Beginnings, New Music!, High School | not to exceed $2,000 Grant made possible by the Class of 1968
2022 Excellence Grants:
14 grants totaling over $33,000
No Child Grieves Alone, All Elementaries | $5,000
Grant made possible in part by Farmers State Bank- Gymnastics Equipment, All Elementaries | $4,288
Grant made possible in part by INVISION - Cedar “HI” Squad and Ambassadors, Cedar Heights Elementary | $824.49
Grant made possible in part by Collins Community Credit Union - Soft Start Mornings & Curriculum Enhancements with STEM, Cedar Heights Elementary | $2,027.43
Grant made possible in part by Skogman Homes - Sensory Room, Hansen Elementary | $2,500
Grant made possible in part by Amy Weinands - 6th Grade Science Equipment, Hansen Elementary | $3,876.40
- On the Road to STEAM – Sphero indi Robots, Lincoln Elementary | $1,450
Grant made in memory of Pat Lyman, former Lincoln Elementary volunteer - FCS Curriculum Enhancement, Holmes Junior High | $851.99
- DIY Science and Engineering Experiments and Models, Holmes Junior High| $1,704
Grant made in memory of Tom Bertch, former History and English at Holmes Junior High - Pedometer Project, Holmes Junior High | $3,279
Grant made possible in part by i smile orthodontics - FitStep Pro Stream Pedometers, Peet Junior High | $3,279
Grant made in memory of Jim & Karen Bolger, Karen was a former P.E. Teacher at Peet Junior High - CFHS Jazz One Performance at The Midwest Clinic, High School | $1,965.60
- Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, High School | $1,200
Grant made possible in part by the Class of 1968 - Turing Tumble, High School | $992.06
Grant made possible in part by the Class of 1970
2021 Excellence Grants:
17 grants totaling over $14,700
- Decodable Texts for Instruction: Staci Wilkinson and Jen McCartan, Administration
Grant made in honor of the Class of 1970 - Little Kids Rock! A Modern Band Approach to Music Education: Amanda Bridges, Hansen Elementary
- Microduino Education: Jared Pirkl, Hansen Elementary
Grant sponsored by InVision Architecture - Phonological Awareness - Building a Solid Reading Foundation: Jennifer Tjaden, Hansen Elementary
Grant sponsored by Skogman Homes - SEL Thrives in Modern Music Program: Michelle Droe, North Cedar Elementary
- Feeling Buddies: Wendy Johnson, Alyssa Deutsch and Caitlin Bauer, North Cedar Elementary
Grant sponsored by Hy-Vee - Orchard Hill School Garden: Kim Tura, Orchard Hill Elementary
- It's a Match!: Kelly Valiev, Orchard Hill Elementary
- I Can Read Project: Amy Kohlhass, Renee Drey, Suzanne Watters and Terri Balthazor, Orchard Hill Elementary
- Running Club Reboot: Lisa Newgard, Orchard Hill Elementary
- Preschool Study on Light: Kathleen Reed, Southdale Elementary
Grant made in memory of Pat Lyman, former Lincoln Elementary volunteer - Coding with Ozobots: Bridget Adams and Kim Tura, Holmes Junior High
Grant sponsored by AECOM - Captain's Club: Jake Mueller and Lauren Greiner, Holmes Junior High
Grant made possible by the Legacy of Learning Fund - Cybersecurity: Hacker's Board Games: Hilary Iehl and Bridget Adams, Peet Junior High
Grant made in memory of Jim & Karen Bolger (Karen was a former P.E. Teacher at Peet Junior High) - Social Emotional Learning Leadership Curriculum: Becky Lins, Megan Bowden, Julie Rouse, Jacob Mueller, Dan Scannell, Chris Ortner and Angela Wittner, Peet Junior High
Grant made in memory of Robert L. Savereide, former guidance counselor at Peet Junior High - CPR Training: Paul Elser and Jamie Smith, High School
Grant sponsored by i smile orthodontics - Tuva Data Sets: Debbie Paulsen and Kimberly Willmert, High School
2020 Excellence Grants:
14 grants totaling nearly $12,000
- Feeling Buddies Self Regulation Tool Kits: Miranda Jones, Kara Rasmusson, Stacie Ramundt, Raine Kramer, Aldrich Elementary & Lincoln Elementary
- Engaging Struggling Readers Through Skill Based Activities: Stephanie Murch, Renee Fober, Lauren Person, Kathleen Reed and Andrea Werner, Hansen Elementary
- Adaptive Seating for Students in 6th Grade: Jared Pirkl, Jeremy Swanson, Analise Junker, Brittany Schoof, Hansen Elementary
- North Cedar Summer Reading: Darla Striegel, North Cedar Elementary
Grant made in memory of Dick Nystuen, former school administrator - Enhance Learning through Drawing Boards/Photoshop: Alexis Rokes, Orchard Hill Elementary
- Creating an Outdoor Learning Space: Traci Edson and Vee Barnard, Orchard Hill Elementary
Grant made in memory of Pat Lyman, former Lincoln Elementary volunteer - Student Safety and Resilience Skills: Andrea Hutchison, Orchard Hill Elementary
- A Sound Foundation: Kelly Valiev, Orchard Hill
- Circuit Blocks (STEM): Robert Welter, Peet Junior High
- Step Up Your Heart Rate: Lauren Greiner, Corey Peters, Ethan Jennings, Will Carter, Sydney Butler & Judy Samek, Holmes Junior High & Peet Junior High
Grant made in memory of Jim & Karen Bolger (Karen was a former P.E. Teacher at Peet Junior High) - Coding with Ozobots: Hilary Iehl and Bridget Adams, Holmes Junior High & Peet Junior High
Grant made in memory of Robert L. Savereide, former guidance counselor at Peet Junior High - Yearbook Photography Materials: Leah Cahill, Peet Junior High
- World Language: Gamified with Gimkit: Elaina Loyd, Cedar Falls High School
Grant made in honor of the Class of 1970 - FCS Coverstitch Sewing Machine: Megan Droste, Cedar Falls High School
2019 Excellence Grants:
18 grants totaling over $15,000
- Optimal Learning with Osmos: Mary Ascher and Denise Aalderks, Aldrich Elementary
- Real World Problem Solving with 3D Printing: Angie Webb and Jed Batterson, Aldrich Elementary
- Self-Regulation Support: special education team, Lincoln Elementary
- Sensory Pathway: Alexis Roakes, Orchard Hill Elementary
- Enhance Learning through Drawing Boards/Photoshop: Alexis Rokes, Orchard Hill Elementary
- Retro Arcade Game Design: Bridget Adams and Lisa Johnson, Holmes Junior High
- Mindful Monday: Holmes Junior High
- Disc Golf: Lauren Greiner, Holmes Junior High
- Bringing Citizens into the Classroom: Ben Olsen, Hansen Elementary
Grant made in memory of Pat Lyman, former Lincoln Elementary volunteer - Hands-on Phonics: Jennifer Tjaden, Hansen Elementary
- 3D Printer: Jaren Pirkl, Hansen Elementary
- Everyone Wins! Games to Support Learning: 2nd grade team, Hansen Elementary
- Branches Books: Michelle Kirchner, Hansen Elementary
- Calming Corner: counselors, Cedar Falls High School
Grant made in memory of Amy Denholm - Manikin Simulation Lab: CAPS Medical, Cedar Falls High School
Grant made in memory of Robert L. Savereide, former guidance counselor at Peet Junior High - Maker Mentality: Peet Junior High
Grant made in memory of Jim & Karen Bolger (Karen was a former P.E. Teacher at Peet Junior High) - Coding with Ozobots: Bonnie Wessels, Peet Junior High
- Sensory Tools Project: Jennifer Houselog, Cedar Heights Elementary
- Game Based Math for Special Ed. Students: Lauren McDonald, Cedar Heights Elementary
Thank you alumni, staff, businesses and organizations, community members, and parents for making these grants possible!