Cedar Falls High School

Today is a B Day.

PowerSchool Help

Parent Portal Help - Email jacki.underwood@cfschools.org

Student Password Help - Email abby.hendrickson@cfschools.org 

Please click here for updates on potential athletic/activities postponements and cancellations.

HR Imaging - school photo company 

Contact information:  custserv@hrimaging.com / (815)433-1766

Baas Photography - sports photo company

Opportunities for Student Involvement at CFHS

Pay Fees/Fines Online:
Image title

Fees are paid through the Tiger Web Store which uses the RevTrak system.  This is the same system that is used for depositing lunch money.  You would just click on the School Fees and Fines and log in with your PowerSchool log in information.  You can also get to this Tiger Web Store from your Balance tab in the left navigation bar of your PowerSchool Parent account by clicking on the "Online Payments" icon in the bottom right hand corner below the Balance Due column.  Once you get logged in to see your student's current fees, you will need to add each fee to the cart.  You may proceed to check out after items have been added to your cart, you will need to log in with your RevTrak password.  If you are unsure what your password is for RevTrak, you may click the "Forgot Password" on RevTrak and enter your email address and Revtrak will send you the information.

10 Steps on how to pay School Fees/Fines:

  1. Log into PowerSchool Parent Portal Account

  2. Click on “Balances” – bottom left side

  3. Click on Online Payments – bottom right side of the screen

  4. Log into RevTrak with RevTrak account (not the same as PowerSchool account)

    1. If you need to create an account, click “Create New Account”

    2. If you have forgotten your password, click “Forgot Password” and it will be emailed to you

  5. Once logged in, click “School Fees and Fines”

  6. Log into PowerSchool Parent Portal Account

  7. Click on your 1st students name on the left side

  8. Click “Add Selected to Cart” for the fees/fines you would like to pay

  9. Click “Add to Cart”

  10. Once you are done adding fees/fines to your cart, you can either:

    1. Click on “Cart” – top right side and then click “Check Out” and complete paying for the fees by adding payment infomation OR

    2. Click on your next student on the left side, add fees/fines to the cart and then check-out by clicking “Cart” on the top right side, click “Check Out” and then enter in payment information to complete paying school registration fees

This Week at Cedar Falls High School

View Full Calendar

  • Monday
    February 10

    B Day

  • Tuesday
    February 11

    A Day

  • Wednesday
    February 12


  • Thursday
    February 13

    B Day

  • Friday
    February 14

    A Day

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(319) 553-2500
(319) 553-2504
2701 West 27th Street
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
(319) 277-6223
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