Morning Announcements 6/4

Student Life Peet Junior High


Today is Friday, June 4th a B Day. Happy last day of school!

Good Luck to the Varsity Soccer team and Anna Berger today!

Students who have HS classes - a reminder that finals schedules, bus schedules, and study hall classrooms are posted on the Counseling Office door, Front Office window, and front display case. See Mrs. Hinders with questions!

Students who are interested in playing Women’s Rugby next fall for grades 9 - 12, there is a sign up sheet in the office. Contact information for Coach Brent Piper is on the sign up sheet. 

To all 7th Grade Boys thinking about running Cross Country as 8th Graders, Coach Reid wants to encourage you all to get out and do some running this summer! Find friends to run with if you can, and encourage any guys who will be 7th Graders next year to come out for the team when the time comes. We can achieve great things next season--let's get ready!

We will only have one lunch line open to pick up a sack lunch if you signed up for one. It is the same line that we have open for breakfast, right off the main entrance. Everything will be in the sack lunch, so just grab a lunch and a milk. The only ala carte options left are the drinks.

Happy birthday to: Victoria Shepard!