Lunch and Specials Change 2020-09-10

Lincoln Families - we have truly enjoyed the beginning of the school year! Thank you for sharing your students with us!

I am sending this message about a few upcoming changes. FIrst, our sixth grade students will begin eating lunch in the cafeteria on Friday, September 11th. As we have done with our kinder and second grade students, we will assign students to tables and spread them out across the cafeteria. 

In addition, we will begin to have one morning and afternoon class attend Art and Music outside of their classroom. Our plan for the next four day cycle will be to have sixth grade attend in the morning and second grade in the afternoon. We will allow a different grade level to attend in the morning and afternoon beginning with the next four day cycle.

With each of these changes, we will continue to do our best to support student and staff safety. We will also continue to communicate further changes to our district plan. Thank you for your continued support! 


Ralph Bryant

Lincoln Principal