Announcements: Monday, October 23, 2023

Student Life Cedar Falls High School

Announcements: Monday, October 23, 2023 B Day

LETS GO! This is the last week of money war for the Student Food Drive. The 3rd pd. classes who are sitting in the top 3 spots from last week are: 3rd place - Considine 2nd place - Rathe 1st place - Botkin Awesome work to all who have been bringing in money. You have all week to catch up, help our community and ... win the food party of your choice.

Be sure to purchase tickets ahead of time for Regional Volleyball tomorrow night. Student Activity passes will not be accepted as this is a state event. You can purchase tickets through Bound or by visiting the Cedar Falls Athletics page to take you to the link.

Congratulations to the 53 Cedar Falls student musicians who were accepted into the 2023 Iowa All-State Music Festival. Additionally, 7 students were selected as alternates for the all-state festival. Special congratulations go to six students who were selected all four years of high school: Varun Gulwadi (choir), Drew Ludemen (choir), Emma Halvorsen (orchestra), Mason Munnik (orchestra), Kristen Engelhardt (band), and Kate Galyen (band).

CFHS Football Playoff t-shirts are available to order on the CFHS Athletics webpage. The deadline to order and pay is Tuesday, October 24 at 12:30pm. We have a quick turnaround in order to get them done in time for Friday's game and with no school on Friday due to conferences. T-shirts will be ready for pick up sometime on Thursday.

Attention SENIORS only~ Iowa State University will have a representative here on Wednesday, October 25 at 10:30 am! Trivia question: when was Cy the mascot born? If you answered 1954 you are correct!! “CYCLONE” was first used to describe Iowa State after a football win in what year? 1895! If you are interested in becoming a CYCLONE, sign up through the link on Schoology!

Students, please note: After school detention will be in the library today, and NOT the Tiger’s Den!

Follow the Tigers: Women's Rugby will begin at 6:50 pm in Ankeny.

This week's Tiger Pride Commitment is the letter G : Greet someone when you see them and respond when someone greets you.