Morning Announcements 3/6

Student Life Peet Junior High


Today is Wednesday, March 6th a B day.

No Walking Club for Tiger Time today!

No Echoes this week (March 4 - 7) due to parent / teacher conferences. Students should make arrangements to get home immediately after school this week. Echoes will resume after Spring Break.

There is no Art Club this week. We will start back up after Spring Break.

7th & 8th grade track season starts after Spring Break. Make sure you are registered in Bound with the required documents in your profile so you are able to participate. If you have any questions about Bound stop and ask Mrs. Lee in the office.

If you are interested in ordering a yearbook, please do so at the lunch window with Mrs. Davis by March 31st. Yearbooks are $15.

Tomorrow will be Inside Out or Mismatched Clothes Day! Put on your weirdest outfits or wear your clothes inside out!

Today’s lunch will be: Papa John’s Pizza, Popcorn Chicken, Garlic Breadstick, Green Beans, Veggie Bar, Applesauce & Mandarin Oranges

Happy birthday today to: Carsen Hunt, Kaiden Sprague, Ms. Raines & Mr. Shaull!

Now, please stand if you are able as we say the Pledge of Allegiance. 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.