Morning Announcements 11/9

Student Life Peet Junior High


Today is Thursday, November 9th, an A day.

We have our final numbers from the Beyond Pink Team coin drive. In 4th place was 8th grade with a total of $66.62. Staff raised $110 to land in 3rd place. In 2nd was 7th grade, raising a total of $128.72. And the grade that raised the most was 9th grade with a total of $155.05! In total, we will be donating $460.39 to the Beyond Pink Team. Thank you for participating in the coin drive!

There will be no 9th grade Battle of the Books today.

Today’s lunch will be: Tangerine Chicken with Egg Roll and Fried Rice, Taco Salad, Carrots, Veggie Bar, Mandarin Oranges, & Fruit Slushie

Happy birthday today to: Kinnick Gallagher & Will Wilson!

Now, please stand if you are able as we say the Pledge of Allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.