Morning Announcements 10/5

Student Life Peet Junior High


Today is Thursday, October 5, an A day.

7th and 8th grade cross country athletes will be dismissed today at 1:20 for their meet. The bus will leave Peet for Holmes at 1:30. Go Tigers!

Students who signed up for Walking Club on Friday, please dress warmly. The temperature will be 50 degrees during Tiger Time.

There will be a 7th grade girls basketball interest meeting on Friday at 7:30am in the Media Center.

The Monster Marathon Reading Challenge has started in the library. Anyone interested in participating should check Schoology for more information. This will run the entire month of October.

Next week we are raising money for the Beyond Pink TEAM since it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Bring your coins to add points to your first period class, or bring dollar bills to subtract points from others! Your donations stay local, meaning you are helping breast cancer survivors who could be your neighbor, teacher, family member, or friend’s family member. Your support helps all of them. The first period class with the most points next Friday wins breakfast!

Today’s lunch will be: Tangerine Chicken with Rice & Egg Roll, Cheese Stick Dippers, Taco Salad, Carrots, Veggie Bar, Mandarin Oranges & Fruit Slushie

Now, please stand if you are able as we say the Pledge of Allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.