Morning Announcements 9/18

Student Life Peet Junior High


Today is Monday, September 18, a B day.

7th Grade volleyball will be leaving early today to go to Holmes. You will be dismissed at 2:35 and the bus will leave at 2:45 today. Meet in the front entryway again.

GUESS WHO is live in the library! Any student interested in figuring out which picture matches your teachers, grab a paper in the library and start guessing. The game ends on Monday, September 25 and winners will be announced later that week.

Today’s lunch will be: Cheeseburger, Chicken Drumsticks, Southwest Chicken Salad, Garlic Breadstick, Corn, Veggie Bar, Applesauce & Peaches

Happy Birthday today to: Josiah Beckman, Addison Girsch, Lucas Gruening, Drake Michael & Mackenzie Sagers!

Now, please stand if you are able as we say the Pledge of Allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.