Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016 - Announcements

Student Life Peet Junior High


Today is Tuesday, November 22nd an A Day.

There will be no Echoes or ALT/Detention today after school. Students please make arrangements to get home immediately after school.

9th Grade Men’s Soccer Players: The Men’s Soccer team will be have open gym at 5:30pm on specific dates through March at the high school gym. Players will need to bring indoor shoes, socks, and shin guards. Upcoming open gym dates are: November 28th, and December 1st, 12th, and 22nd.

Today’s lunch will be: Beef Nachos, Chicken Patty Sandwich, Baked Beans, Relish Plate, Pineapple, and Rice Krispie Treat.

Happy birthday today to: Abby McCurdy & Erin McRae!

Happy birthday over break to: Ashlyn Metcalf, Hope Stewart, Binton Latdrik, Sydney Remmert, Shane Smith & Evan Walker!