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A counselor acts as a consultant when he assists in developing plans for meeting children's needs by bringing together information from parents, teachers, and other professionals. The counselor is a core member of Orchard Hill's problem-solving team and works closely with teachers, parents, and our AEA team to help meet the needs of students.

Elementary counselors are a valuable resource for parents. Parents are encouraged to visit with Ms. Moeller to discuss any concerns they may have about their child. He can also make contacts with organizations within the community.

The What's Where in Parenting Directory is filled with resources available to families in the Black Hawk County area. There are also resources for parents in the counseling office for check out. Please stop by the counseling office to learn more about these resources.

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PowerSchool Aesop
(319) 553-2465
(319) 553-2468
3909 Rownd Street
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
(319) 483-6476
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